We want to preserve your teeth for as long as possible.
We achieve this, for example, through preventive measures such as regular prophylaxis or the treatment of decayed teeth with filling therapy and root canal treatment. However, there are situations in which saving a tooth is not possible and removal must be considered. We use modern and gentle procedures to either minimize complaints from the outset or avoid them completely.
Removal of wisdom teeth is necessary when various complications can arise due to lack of space. These can be: shifting teeth, cysts, abscesses and other problems in the oral cavity. However, it should be noted that wisdom teeth may remain in the mouth for some people.
Tooth removal process
A tooth is removed under local anesthesia. We use special instruments to first carefully loosen the tooth and then extract it. Smaller wounds usually heal on their own without further treatment. For larger wounds, these are carefully stitched up and the stitches are removed about 6-8 days later.